First Presidential Debate
Joe stuttered. Donald LIED! This is a seriously easy choice for me. BUT! I've already seen a serious anti-Biden reaction. Including a video from the Wall Street Journal talking about the fact Biden stuttered. What a scoop WSJ! The man with a stutter stuttered! Where's your video about Donald lying for ninety minutes?
Project 2025 Deep Dive
Conservatives want a fascist dictator. Apparently Donald is the best they can do.
6/21 News Wrap
Imagine a world without porn... Um, or, ya know, don't. It sounds pretty terrible!
Cannabis Farmer's Market
Max & I talk to the merry marihuana makers!
6/14 News Wrap
Trying to make this week's news a little more palatable. You aren't taking crazy pills, it's really just that awful! HAA!!
Big Words for "Pot"
The Monday Deep Dive vlog is up and I have some links for an even deeper dive!
Channel Intro Vlog
Finally got the vlog set up on Odysee!
They Aren't Smoking Enough.
Go light one up for the good of the country!
What's This Mess?
Welcome to... whatever this is!